Suddenly it's 30° or more outside and the sun is blazing down from above - it couldn't get any better, right?
Your favorite is currently facing many pitfalls during the most beautiful and sunniest time of the year. Some of them can even be life-threatening!
Everything you need to know about a summer with a dog can be found here!
The most important thing first:
Never leave your dog alone in the car!
The most important thing when you are on the road in the summer with your dog in the car: NEVER leave him alone. Not even for a short time! Closed cars can become a deadly trap for your four-legged friend within minutes. Closed cars heat up incredibly quickly. You probably know this: After a long day at the beach, you have to drive home and you already dread the heat and humidity in the car when you return, where you can hardly breathe. Deceptively, the car doesn't need the whole afternoon to heat up like an oven. After about an hour, the temperature inside has already risen by about +25° compared to the outside temperature. That would mean an unbearable heat of about 58° on a warm summer day with an outside temperature of 30°.
You can imagine what it must be like for a dog trapped in a car that keeps heating up. Not even the small gap of the open window helps anymore.
Unfortunately, despite constant reminders, it still happens too often that dogs are left in the car.
So you can react when you see a dog in the car:
- Try to locate the owner as quickly as possible! In larger stores, you can have the car owner paged at the information desk and ask in the surrounding stores.
- If there is a danger to the dog's life, call the police! This way, the car door can be opened correctly and quickly.
- Document the situation and if necessary, seek help from other passersby.
- If there is no other option left and the police cannot arrive on time, then you can break the window. However, you must be aware that this action can also have legal consequences for you!
- If the dog is freed, bring him into the shade and provide him with water immediately!
Avoid the afternoon heat
In the afternoon, go for a long walk right after work so that the dog and the human get some exercise after a long day at the office. A good idea to get the circulation going again after sitting still all day. However, in the summer, you should avoid long walks in the afternoon. Because that's when the day reaches its peak temperature. This way, the highlight of the day - the big round - can quickly become a painfully long and energy-draining event for your four-legged friend.
It is better if you go for a walk in the summer directly after sunrise, in the early morning, or in the very late evening. At these times of the day, the air and the ground are not yet heated up or have already cooled down a bit.
Shady spots instead of hot asphalt
Your four-legged friend naturally has needs to take care of despite the temperatures. If you are out in the direct sun, make sure your beloved pet can rest in shady spots.
If possible, choose a path that offers plenty of shade so the sun doesn't mercilessly beat down on you and your furry friend. A route with lots of grassy areas also protects your dog's paws from the hot ground, as asphalt can heat up very quickly.
You know it yourself, when you are on the beach or at the campsite in the summer without shoes and hop into huge steps over the much too hot sand and asphalt. This is how your four-legged friend feels every day in the summer.
Avoid routes with many streets and asphalted ground. Forest paths, parks accessible to dogs, or meadows and fields are more suitable.
If your four-legged friend has burned his paws, you can provide first aid with a water spray that you can easily prepare at home in a spray bottle.
If it is not possible to avoid a path with a solid surface, you can place the back of your hand on the ground for 7 seconds beforehand to check if the asphalt has bearable temperatures.
Brushes bring cooling
Brushing is a relief, especially for dogs with thick and abundant fur. Even if the entire undercoat has already been combed out, brushing allows fresh and cool air to reach the skin and provides your four-legged friend with a brief cooling sensation.
Fresh water to prevent dehydration
Make sure your four-legged friend drinks enough water. Although dogs do not sweat, they can still become dehydrated in the heat.
You should always have fresh water with you that you can offer to your dog. He should not drink from puddles or lakes, as the water may be contaminated. Therefore, your four-legged friend should not seek cooling off in stagnant waters, ponds, or puddles. As a rule of thumb: If you wouldn't want to bathe in the water, your four-legged friend probably wouldn't want to either!
Bathing in moving, clear water, on the other hand, is of course no problem and provides direct cooling and fun in the water.
joying leisure time in the sun, here's how you can make the heat more bearable for your four-legged friend:
Of course, everyone wants to spend their free time outdoors, especially when it is warm and sunny. This is also not a problem with a dog, as long as you consider some things that will make the heat more bearable for your beloved pet.
Always make sure there is a place nearby where he can cool off.
Your four-legged friend will also enjoy bathing together in the lake or a relaxed picnic in the shade by the nearest river.
If your furry friend is a water-shy and wouldn't even dip a toe in the water voluntarily, you can offer your dog a wet towel to lie on. Please make sure that he is actually lying on the towel and not covered by it, as otherwise a heat build-up can quickly occur under the damp cloth, which would have the opposite effect of cooling down.
A small cooler box is always handy to have for picnics, right? Cold drinks are definitely more enjoyable in the summer than warm bottles from the car door. Also, prepare a little "picnic" for your favorite and pack chilled fruits or vegetables for him to enjoy as a snack.
If you consider all the points mentioned above, then there is nothing standing in the way of a perfect summer with lots of sun and fun! Enjoy the time and don't forget to pack sunscreen for yourself!
Here you will find all tips and tricks at a glance:
- Top rule in summer: Let your Never leave your dog alone in the car!
- Avoid the afternoon heat and go instead early in the morning or late at night Take a walk
- Pay attention to routes with a lot of Grass area and shadeThe asphalt is hot!
- Brushing brings quick cooling, as fresh air reaches the skin
- Offer your favorite always plenty of fresh water to prevent dehydration
- One A wet towel to lay on, ein Space in the shade and Fun in the water In clean waters make a perfect summer day!