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Immune booster

VET powder as a supplement
Sale price20,39 € Regular price23,99 €(81,56 €/kg)

Nutritional support for the immune system

Lieferbar in 1-3 Werktagen

  • Supports the immune system
  • Prebiotics support the intestinal tract
  • Developed with veterinarians
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Especially in the cold season, but also for dogs that are exposed to external stress factors (environmental insecurity, moving, issues with other animals, etc.), or those that are immunosuppressed due to illness, it is important to focus on supporting the immune system.
Zinc is an essential component of numerous enzyme systems and is involved in many metabolic processes. It also plays an important role in the formation of antibodies. Additionally, it supports cell growth and proliferation in wound healing (e.g., as a result of surgeries or injuries).
Vitamin C acts as an important antioxidant. Although dogs can produce vitamin C themselves, the production may not be sufficient during a phase of immune weakening. However, a possible overdose is harmless, as vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin that is excreted through urine in case of an excess.
Unsaturated fatty acids cannot be produced by dogs themselves and must therefore be added to their diet. This includes, for example, linoleic acid and alpha-linolenic acid. Omega-3 fatty acids (n-3 FAs) can have anti-inflammatory effects. They inhibit the formation of eicosanoids, which have strong pro-inflammatory properties. This effect is particularly utilized in patients with chronic skin diseases (atopic dermatitis).


To adjust approximate values to the individual living conditions of your dog (exercise, activity, metabolism, breed, illness, season). Recommended amount of food for an adult, normal-weight dog per day:

Weight of the dog
Feeding amount per day (g/day) with normal activity *
5 kg
1 g/1.5 ml
10 kg
2 g/3 ml
20 kg
4 g/6 ml
30 kg
6 g/9 ml
* Feeding amount per day (g/day) with normal activity
Yeast, apple fiber, liver hydrolysate (poultry)
Crude protein 18.50%
Crude fat 6.00%
Crude ash 3.60%
Crude fiber 2.30%

Ernährungsphysiologische Zusatzstoffe

"Vitamin C as ascorbic acid (3a300) 250,000 mg, zinc as amino acid zinc chelate, hydrate (3b606) 5,000 mg"

  • Produktart Supplementary feed
  • Lagerung store cool and dry.
  • Energiewert 1.6 MJ / 100g
Infografik:  Herstellungsprozess von Escapure Hundefutter in 4 Schritten: Rohstoffauswahl,  Zubereitung,  Qualitätsprüfung  und  Versand. Alles in Manufaktur-Qualitaet

Unser Qualitäts-Abdruck

In unserer Manufaktur stellen wir mit Liebe und Sorgfalt hochwertiges Hundefutter her. Wir verwenden 100% natürliche Rohstoffe aus der Region und verarbeiten sie schonend von Hand. Jedes Produkt wird sorgfältig geprüft, bevor es sicher und umweltfreundlich verpackt an dich verschickt wird.

2011 gegründet hatten unsere Eltern - Traudi & Hans Hibler - ein ganz klares Ziel: die Jahrelange Erfahrung aus dem Fleischhandel in die Tierbranche einfließen zu lassen und damit auch unsere liebsten Vierbeiner zu verführen. Daraus entstand der Gedanken einer eigenen Produktion im Herzen Deutschlands. Über die Jahre hinweg hat sich nun auch mit Philipp & Maximilian die 2. Generation voll eingebunden - und die nächste Generation steht bereits in den Startlöchern. Seid gespannt auf mehr ...