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VET-Obesity Diet Chicken

Diet food for overweight
Sale price4,59 € (11,48 €/kg)

VET diet tested complete food in the field of VET obesity diet (400g)

Lieferbar in 1-3 Werktagen

  • Lean muscle meat as a low-fat reward
  • High raw fiber content for faster satiety
  • L-Carnitine for additional fat burning and muscle mass maintenance
  • Reduction of overweight
  • Reduced energy content
  • Developed with veterinarians
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The characteristics of obesity are usually relatively obvious and allow for a quick diagnosis. This results in a very clear solution path, by reducing energy intake through daily feeding. For this reason, our wet food has an energy value of 0.44 MJ/100g. The low energy content is achieved by basing the recipe of the wet food can on lean chicken meat – this has a reduced fat content compared to other types of meat. The moderate use of vegetable oils provides the essential fatty acids.
In addition to a tailored diet with reduced fat content and increased raw fiber intake to provide the dog with a better feeling of satiety, extensive walks, preferably combined with swimming or physiotherapeutic support, should be a top priority.
Nevertheless, the effect of weight loss can be positively supported by the targeted use of dietary supplements. L-Carnitine stimulates the β-oxidation of fatty acids. Thus, it promotes energy production from fatty acids in the muscle area. It therefore promotes fat burning and modifies body composition in favor of muscle mass.
The proportion of minerals and vitamins is adjusted to the ideal weight of the dog. Therefore, it is also not advisable to simply reduce the amount of the previous complete feed (for normally weighted dogs), as this could lead to a permanent deficiency in minerals and vitamins.


To adjust approximate values to the individual living conditions of your dog (exercise, activity, metabolism, breed, illness, season). Recommended amount of food for an adult, normal-weight dog per day:

Weight of the dog
 Feeding amount per day (g/day) with normal activity *
5 kg
270 g
10 kg
450 g
20 kg
770 g
30 kg
1000 g
* Feeding amount per day (g/day) with normal activity
Chicken meat consisting of muscle meat, heart, and liver 72.5%
Rice 10.0%
Carrot 8.0%
Apple 5.0%
Feed lime (Ca-carbonate) 1.7%
Rapeseed oil 1.5%
Vitamin supplement (Nutritional additives) 1.0%
Salt 0.3%
Moisture 71.80%
Crude protein 10.30%
Crude fat 4.90%
Crude ash 3.40%
Crude fiber 2.20%

Ernährungsphysiologische Zusatzstoffe

Vitamin D3 (3a671) 60,000 IU; Vitamin E as all-rac-alpha-Tocopheryl acetate (3a700) 5,500 mg; Iron as Iron-(II)-Protein-Hydrolysate chelate (3b106) 5,500 mg; Copper as Copper-(II)-Protein-Hydrolysate chelate (3b407) 400 mg; Zinc as Protein hydrolysate-Zinc chelate (3b612) 3,300 mg

  • Produktart Recommended feeding duration: Until reaching the target weight and as needed to maintain the target weight. // Complete food
  • Lagerung Consume within 3 days after opening (best stored in the refrigerator with the lid on) // It is recommended to consult a veterinarian before use. In order to achieve efficient weight loss or maintain an ideal weight, the recommended daily energy intake should not be exceeded.
  • Energiewert 0.44 MJ / 100g
Infografik:  Herstellungsprozess von Escapure Hundefutter in 4 Schritten: Rohstoffauswahl,  Zubereitung,  Qualitätsprüfung  und  Versand. Alles in Manufaktur-Qualitaet

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In unserer Manufaktur stellen wir mit Liebe und Sorgfalt hochwertiges Hundefutter her. Wir verwenden 100% natürliche Rohstoffe aus der Region und verarbeiten sie schonend von Hand. Jedes Produkt wird sorgfältig geprüft, bevor es sicher und umweltfreundlich verpackt an dich verschickt wird.

2011 gegründet hatten unsere Eltern - Traudi & Hans Hibler - ein ganz klares Ziel: die Jahrelange Erfahrung aus dem Fleischhandel in die Tierbranche einfließen zu lassen und damit auch unsere liebsten Vierbeiner zu verführen. Daraus entstand der Gedanken einer eigenen Produktion im Herzen Deutschlands. Über die Jahre hinweg hat sich nun auch mit Philipp & Maximilian die 2. Generation voll eingebunden - und die nächste Generation steht bereits in den Startlöchern. Seid gespannt auf mehr ...